Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12/14 .... wow

Wow, I cannot believe I will be leaving in just three days! I have very mixed feelings, because of course I have had a great trip and God has taught me soooo much, but I am also very excited to get home! I love spending time with family and friends, and I even miss the snow a little tiny bit.

Well, obviously I arrived back safe from my adventure in Bamenda, which is North and West of Yaounde. I traveled all day Saturday, only to get to Bamenda and not here from Paul! So I went to plan B and called another friend who is staying with a family, the Jacksons. They were so incredibly nice and opened up their home to me, barely knowing me! I learned so much from that family! If you want to know more ask me!! I did get to go to Paul's sisters wedding on Sunday, and prior to that I following him around as he frantically did all the things older brothers do. Then I decided it was safest to stay another night in Bamenda, and travel home during the day. Sooo, yesterday my whole day consisted of travel once again!! It felt great to be back to the Peach Palace and shower.

This week at school we are giving finals, so my jobs are few and stress free. I am taking these next few days to wake up early and debrief myself. I know it will be different back in Ohio, so I am trying to reflect now before all the culture change happens.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I will keep you posted on my travels home, which will take me to Brussels for a night (Saturday), and then the NYC, so hopefully the snow holds off enough for the flights to be on time!

Have a Blessed Holiday Season as we celebrate the Saviors Birth!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time Flies 12/7 !

Hello! My how times goes fast when you aren't paying attention to it! It has been my goal these past few weeks to not waste a minute of my time here in Cameroon. Even so, it was easy to get into a routine of teaching, running, going to meetings, etc.  I am very relieved that today I taught my last official lesson, although we still have a few days of review sessions and then finals next week.  That said, I am going to focus on relationships during this last week that I am here. I have met so many great people, and my fellow teachers and the students are going to be hard to say goodbye to, but at the same time I am excited about coming home to everyone there :) (one person especially).

This weekend looks to be an adventure. My friend Paul has invited me to go to Bamenda, a city about 6 hours to the NorthWest of here, for a family wedding. I decided to go even though I can only stay for 36 hours!  They speak English in Bamenda, so that will make travel easier, and the 6 hours bus ride will be full of dynamic scenery that I may never see again. This will be a great time of reflection as well.

Even in Africa, and maybe because I am at an American 'ish school, there is a little Christmas vibe starting to come up. I love it. It is the best time of year, and I love anticipating the day we Celebrate Christ's birth.

"Who would have thought, that this baby would one day save me!" ~ Relient K

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today I am giving thanks for God providing a way for me to come to Africa. I have had such a great trip and am so glad I came. I was invited to a HUGE dinner today, so I hate very well and enjoyed good company! Tomorrow wraps up yet another week of school! Crazy fast the time has gone.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

11/21 Good Weekend

Hello everyone. It has been a pretty normal week for me, as I enjoyed teaching, playing basketball and going to church! This weekend was a nice break from the daily routine of teaching as I was able to play basketball with a bunch of Cameroonian men on Saturday for a few hours, then I visited my friend Paul's church today, and went to his house for lunch. His family was so sweet and they made peanut sauce for me; some of the best I've had here! Later this evening I went to a missionary gathering that is held every Sunday night. This is a time of prayer, worship and a short sermon. It is like a really casual American style church service. It was good to sing some English hymns!

I'll keep you posted on the week ahead... Thanksgiving is coming, so that will be fun!

In Christ, Kory

Sunday, November 14, 2010

11/14 Sunday!

It is already Sunday afternoon and I am relaxing at the house, finishing some worksheets for school and doing some reading. I enjoy using weekends for relaxation, but they are also a good time to "explore."  Yesterday, I first went with the basketball team to their game, which was at a public high school.  This school was HUGE, as we stood on the court which was in the middle of a large open area, surrounded by very big, old, rundown yet still in use, four-storied school building, I felt like I was in the Shawshank Redemption!  But it was good to see where education in the public schools here takes place. There seems to be a variety of schools in the city, so I am sure some of them are newer.

After the game, I took some time to walk the streets of our local neighborhood, called "tropicana," and I concentrated on simply opening my eyes to what life was like here. I am very much removed from "real" life of the average African, because I am staying at a nice house and working at a nice school.  I also visited one of the hostels where some of my students live. They treated me with this frozen drink-in-a-bag thing that really hit the spot! I think they were glad to see me, but first had to make sure they weren't in trouble!! ha.

Church was good today as well. The pastor spoke about how we are to respond when God gives us good things: we are to give our Lives to Him! What a great message for any believer. No matter what your life brings, there is no denying that the Lord has blessed you. There is only one proper response to blessings but material and spiritual, and that is giving our lives to God.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

11/11 Day of Prayer


On this Veterans Day in America I am so appreciative of the freedoms we have in our Country; freedoms that allow me to take trips like these!

Today was a special day at school and all over the world in the Wycliffe/SIL community, as November 11 is their annual Day of Prayer. Apparently when the founder of Wycliffe first tried to get into Mexico, he was stopped at the border. Those who were with him then stopped to pray and God opened a way for them to get in. That day was November 11. Now, every member and missionary of Wycliffe stops working and commits to praying all day each November 11. At school we did not stop working, but we did kick of the Yaounde ceremonies with a Prayer Chapel. Hopefully I can grab some pictures that others took because it was great to see everyone there all at once. It was a gathering of all the people I have been meeting and getting to know.. so cool!

All in all, today was a great day that God used to teach me a couple things about being a committed follower of Christ. I need to devote myself to prayer; for my friends, family, Country, neighbors, Governors, professors, etc. I also realized how many people have been praying for me, and that completely humbles me! Thank you so much for your prayers, as God has blessed my trip so far and I will look forward to more blessings, even through the times of homesickness and tiredness!

God is Good!

Monday, November 8, 2010

11/8 - A new week, a good weekend

Well I am almost through another Monday here in Yaounde, and just so you know, the Monday blah feeling happens here too! Today was actually a really good day! I was able to teach a few classes, while at the same time I had a lot of time to prep for my week. I really enjoy school when there is enough to keep me busy. Also, I had a blast at basketball practice, as I was able to give some good coaching advice.

I realized that I haven't blogged since before the weekend, so you do not know how it went. Well, the weekend was great, just enough action to be exciting, but enough relaxation that my body was ready for another week. On Friday, I went to a gathering of a bunch of teachers for dinner and a movie, then enjoyed a great night's sleep. Then on Saturday I woke up early to go play in a Volleyball Tournament with some people from school and other missionaries. It was held at the American School of Yaounde, and we got 2nd place! After that I returned home for some rest and then later we had a big get together of about 40 people here at the Peach Palace. It was a send off party for my roommate Alex, who is headed off to Bamenda, another city in Cameroon.  After the festivities, my Sunday was a pretty normal Sunday. I went to another Cameroonian church, this one translated in English! Then I took a nice nap and was pleasantly surprised that the Browns beat the Patriots! Yes, even in Africa I love to follow sports :)

The week has started well, and hopefully it will be full of new and excited things!