Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12/14 .... wow

Wow, I cannot believe I will be leaving in just three days! I have very mixed feelings, because of course I have had a great trip and God has taught me soooo much, but I am also very excited to get home! I love spending time with family and friends, and I even miss the snow a little tiny bit.

Well, obviously I arrived back safe from my adventure in Bamenda, which is North and West of Yaounde. I traveled all day Saturday, only to get to Bamenda and not here from Paul! So I went to plan B and called another friend who is staying with a family, the Jacksons. They were so incredibly nice and opened up their home to me, barely knowing me! I learned so much from that family! If you want to know more ask me!! I did get to go to Paul's sisters wedding on Sunday, and prior to that I following him around as he frantically did all the things older brothers do. Then I decided it was safest to stay another night in Bamenda, and travel home during the day. Sooo, yesterday my whole day consisted of travel once again!! It felt great to be back to the Peach Palace and shower.

This week at school we are giving finals, so my jobs are few and stress free. I am taking these next few days to wake up early and debrief myself. I know it will be different back in Ohio, so I am trying to reflect now before all the culture change happens.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support. I will keep you posted on my travels home, which will take me to Brussels for a night (Saturday), and then the NYC, so hopefully the snow holds off enough for the flights to be on time!

Have a Blessed Holiday Season as we celebrate the Saviors Birth!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Time Flies 12/7 !

Hello! My how times goes fast when you aren't paying attention to it! It has been my goal these past few weeks to not waste a minute of my time here in Cameroon. Even so, it was easy to get into a routine of teaching, running, going to meetings, etc.  I am very relieved that today I taught my last official lesson, although we still have a few days of review sessions and then finals next week.  That said, I am going to focus on relationships during this last week that I am here. I have met so many great people, and my fellow teachers and the students are going to be hard to say goodbye to, but at the same time I am excited about coming home to everyone there :) (one person especially).

This weekend looks to be an adventure. My friend Paul has invited me to go to Bamenda, a city about 6 hours to the NorthWest of here, for a family wedding. I decided to go even though I can only stay for 36 hours!  They speak English in Bamenda, so that will make travel easier, and the 6 hours bus ride will be full of dynamic scenery that I may never see again. This will be a great time of reflection as well.

Even in Africa, and maybe because I am at an American 'ish school, there is a little Christmas vibe starting to come up. I love it. It is the best time of year, and I love anticipating the day we Celebrate Christ's birth.

"Who would have thought, that this baby would one day save me!" ~ Relient K