Thursday, September 24, 2009

Intimacy with Christ

God is not a rock.

Therefore, we should not treat him like one. God has a heart. Therefore, he wants a real relationship with us. He wants us to be intimate with Him. It should be our goal as Christians to not just practice religion, but to strive to have a deepening relationship with Christ. An intimate relationship with our Creator and Savior.

The question came up in my Growth Group last night whether it is easier for women to experience intimacy with Christ than for men. So I did what any smart young man would do... ask his smart young female friend :)

As we discussed the question, it was evident to me that the first thing that needed to be decided was what the term intimacy meant. We decided that it means a close relationship with someone. So close that only you and that person can share it together. It comes almost natural, but it has to be worked at. Real intimacy does not conflict with one's conscience. We know that what is happening is completely true, honest, and pure. And finally, this desire is shared by both sides of the relationship.

As I take that explanation of intimacy to heart, I realize that intimacy with Christ should not be any easier for a man than a woman. Intimacy with our Savior is the purest sense of the word. It is a close relationship with Him that requires work on our part, yet the feeling is mutual. THE FEELING IS MUTUAL! Can you believe that the Creator of the universe wants an intimate relationship with you?!

Intimacy with Christ is something to be grasped. I pray that I can find it, and live my life for it.

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